The four Microeconomics sequences cover:
- Preference and choice, consumer choice, classical demand theory, aggregate demand, production, decision under uncertainty, risk aversion.
- Markets and competitive equilibria, welfare theorems and other properties of competitive equilibria, general equilibrium under uncertainty.
- Introduction to game theory, solution concepts of games, extensive-form analysis of finite games, infinite games, repeated games, incomplete information games.
- Adverse selection, signaling, screening, principal-agent theory, incomplete contracts, economics of power and control.
The four Macroeconomics sequences cover:
- Production income and misallocation, accumulation of capital, consumption and saving as intertemporal choice, debt and dynamic efficiency, economic growth, risk sharing and complete markets, consumption and saving with incomplete markets, precautionary savings and fiscal transfers, savings with incomplete markets, housing and durable goods.
- Discrete time dynamic maximization, Euler equations, neoclassical growth model, Ramsey policies with complete and incomplete markets, partial equilibrium search and labor markets.
- Classical monetary model, sticky prices, basic New Keynesian model, optimal monetary policy design, sticky wages and unemployment.
- Open economy business cycle models, terms of trade and real exchange rates, open economy models with financial frictions, limited commitment models and sovereign debt, price rigidities in open economies, macroprudential policies and capital controls.
The four Econometrics sequences cover:
- Basic probability theory, multivariate distributions, independence, asymptotic theory, statistical concepts, sufficient statistics and the factorization theorem, estimators and their properties, maximum likelihood, Cramér-Rao lower bound, method of moments, classical testing.
- Classical regression model, statistical inference under normality, asymptotic properties of least squares estimators and tests, robust covariance matrix, clustering and special correlation, instrumental variables.
- Stationarity, ARMA models, law of large numbers and central limit theorem, Kalman filtering, Wold theorem, vector autoregressions, unit roots.
- Panel data, discrete choice models, non-linear least squares and quantile regressions, program evaluation and sample selection.