Programs 2020-
2024 | How do firms behave?, joint with Swiss Finance Institute | Thesmar |
Survey Data in Economics and Finance | Weber | |
The Economics of Digital Markets | Bonatti | |
Machine Learning for Treatment Effects and Structural Equation Models | Chernozhukov | |
Welfare Implications of Trade Growth: from Theory to Measurement | Burstein | |
Tax Systems | Slemrod | |
An Introduction to Macroeconomics with Household Heterogeneity | Krueger | |
2023 | Ex Ante and Ex Post Policy Evaluation Approaches | Todd |
Inequality and Intergenerational Mobility: Underlying Drivers and Policy Solutions | Friedman | |
Digital Exonomics, Fin Tech, and Al Applications for Finance, jointly with Swiss Finance Institute | Cong | |
Topics in International Macroeconomics and Finance: Macroeconomics of Exchange Rates | Itskhoki | |
Computation of Hetergeneous Agent Models | Corbae | |
Probalistic Modeling of Networks and Relational Data | Dunson | |
2022 | An Introduction to Macro-Finance | Mian |
The Economics and Econometrics of Climate Change Policy | Stock | |
Macro-Finance Modeling of Financial Intermediaries | Krishnamurthy | |
From Micro to Macro: Resent Advances in Economic Growth | Akcigit | |
Bayesian Methods for Empirical Macroeconomics | Koop | |
2021 | Heterogeneity and Monetary Policy | Violante |
Recent Advances in Mechanism Design with and without Money Transfers | Moldovanu | |
Numerical Methods | Kuebler | |
Macroeconomics with Financial Frictions: Monetary and Macroprudential Policies | Bianchi | |
Recent Advances in International Finance, jointly with SFI | Lustig | |
Advances in Financial Times Series Modeling | Koopman | |
2020 | Time Series and State Space Models | Frühwirth-Schnatter |
Programs 2010-2019
2019 | Behavioral Finance, joint with Swiss Finance Institute | Daniel |
Recent Advances in Bayesian Macroeconometrics | Schorfheide | |
HAM: Heterogenous Agents Models. Crafting, Calibration and Estimation | De Nardi | |
Optimal Fiscal and Monetary Policy | Golosov | |
Numerical Methods | Kübler | |
The Macroeconomics of Credit and Asset Bubbles | Ventura | |
2018 | Volatility Modeling | Bollerslev |
Quantitative Models for International Trade | Kortum | |
Financial Frictions and Incomplete Markets, joint with Swiss Finance Institute | Sannikov | |
Long-Run, Global Macroeconomics | Krusell | |
Disciplining or Protecting Banks? Theory and Evidence | Calomiris | |
2017 | Sovereign Debt and Current Account Dynamics | Aguiar |
Machine Learning for Treatment Effects and Structural Equation Models | Chernozhukov | |
Equilibrium Search Models - Theory and Estimation | Robin | |
Indeterminacy and Sunspots in Macroeconomics | Farmer | |
Banking and Financial Institutions: Theory and Evidence, jointly with Swiss Finance Institute | He | |
Computational Economics | Kübler | |
2016 | Computational Economics | Kübler |
Financial Fragility, jointly with Swiss Finance Institute | Goldstein | |
Financial Frictions | Atkeson | |
Aspects of Predictive Modeling for Financial Markets and Macroeconomic Fundamentals, with Special Attention to Big Data | Diebold | |
Trade, Migration and the Geography of Development | Rossi-Hansberg | |
Liquidity | Wright | |
2015 | The Empirical Analysis of Consumer and Labour Supply Behaviour | Blundell |
Institutions, Culture, and Prosperity: Theory and History | Greif | |
Recent Advances in Theoretical Industrial Organization | Tirole | |
Bayesian Dynamic Modelling and Forecasting | West | |
Over-the-Counter Financial Markets, jointly with Swiss Finance Institute | Duffie | |
2014 | International Finance | Gourinchas |
Panel Data Econometrics | Baltagi | |
Networks | Jackson | |
Financial Stability | Vives | |
Banking and Financial Fragility, jointly with Swiss Finance Institute | Perotti | |
2013 | Financial Crises and Banking Regulations (OCW) | Bolton |
Time Series Econometrics | Hamilton | |
International Finance (OCW) | Gopinath | |
Financial Stability, jointly with Swiss Finance Institute | Vives and Rochet | |
2012 | Liquidity Regulation (OCW) | Gale |
Bayesian Econometrics and its Applications (OCW) | Geweke | |
The Political Economics of Development Clusters | Persson | |
Information and Expectations in Macroeconomics | Angeletos | |
2011 | Panel Data Econometrics | Arellano |
Financial Crises and Financial Stability | Stein | |
Monetary Economics and Imperfect Information | Reis | |
Recent Advances in International Trade | Antràs | |
2010 | Recent Developments in Mechanism Design | Morris |
New Dynamic Public Finance | Werning | |
Behavioral Finance | Hong | |
Program Evaluation Methods | Imbens | |
Programs 1988-2009
2009 | Empirical Strategies | Angrist |
Game Theory and Behavioral Economics | Levine | |
Monetary Theory and Policy | Goodfriend | |
Liquidity, Business Cycles and Monetary Policy | Kiyotaki | |
2008 | Macroeconomics of the Labor Market | Shimer |
Liquidity and Financial Stability | Shin | |
Empirical Methods in International Trade | Feenstra | |
New Developments in Business Cycles in Closed and Open Economies | Kehoe | |
2007 | Financial Stability in the Open Economy | Caballero |
Time Series Econometrics | Hamilton | |
Asset Pricing under Asymmetric Information | Brunnermeier | |
Labor Markets and Technological Change | Saint-Paul | |
2006 | Panel Data Econometrics | Arellano |
Advanced Market Design | Milgrom | |
Monetary Economics | Christiano | |
Empirical Finance | Singleton | |
2005 | Financial Markets and the Macroeconomy | Diebold |
Political Economics and Economic Development | Acemoglu | |
Optimal Monetary and Fiscal Policy | Chari | |
Cooperative Game Theory | Maskin | |
2004 | Financial Intermediation | Diamond |
Econometric Policy Evaluation | Heckman | |
Open Economy Macroeconomics | Wincoop | |
The Theory of Monetary Policy | Woodford | |
2003 | The Microstructure of Financial Markets | Bais |
Financial Crises and Globalization | Bordo | |
Time Series Econometrics | Hamilton | |
Politics and Economics of Fiscal Policies | Alesina | |
2002 | International Macroeconomics | Razin |
Panel Data Econometrics | Arellano | |
Monetary Economics | Walsh | |
Economic Geography | Venables | |
2001 | Econometrics of Finance | Bollerslev |
The Challenge of Monetary Theory | Moore | |
Experimental Economics | Roth | |
Understanding Currency Crises | Bacchetta and Corsetti | |
2000 | Microeconomics of Banking | Freixas |
Theory of Dynamic Contracting | Bolton | |
Semi- and non-parametric Econometrics | Powell | |
Dynamic Models of Asset Prices | Azariadis | |
1999 | Open Economy Macroeconomics | Rogoff |
Empirical Industrial Organization | Pakes | |
The Economics of Risk | Gollier | |
Health Economics | Cutler | |
1998 | The Economics of Information and Learning | Vives |
International Finance | Harvey | |
Time Series Econometrics | Hamilton | |
Transition Economies | Roland | |
1997 | Economic Growth | Aghion |
Econometrics of Panel Data | Arellano | |
Empirical Finance | Campbell | |
Macroeconomics and Finance | Weil | |
1996 | Economic History | Bordo |
Corporate Finance | Tirole | |
Credit Markets in Macroeconomics | Bernanke | |
Industrial Organization | Sutton | |
1995 | Labor Economics | Blundell |
Modern Intertemporal Macroeconomics | Turnovsky | |
Finance | Stulz | |
International Financial Markets | Obstfeld | |
1994 | Dynamic Macroeconomic Theory | Danthine |
Advanced Microeconomics | Hart | |
Public Economics | Poterba | |
Econometrics | Stock | |
1993 | Econometrics | Pagan |
Macroeconomics - Growth Theory | Barro | |
Microeconomics - Game Theory | Fudenberg | |
Foreign Trade | Helpman | |
1992 | Econometrics | Watson |
Macroeconomics | Miron | |
Microeconomics | Hellwig | |
Industrial Organization | Tirole | |
1991 | Macroeconomics | King and Baxter |
Microeconomics - Game Theory | Binmore | |
Time Series Econometrics | Nelson and Cogley | |
Industrial Organization | Tirole | |
1990 | Open-Economy Macroeconomics | Stockman |
Time Series Econometrics | Plosser | |
Microeconomics - Externalities and Public Goods | Varian | |
1989 | Monetary Theory and Monetary Policy | Goodfriend |
Finance | Stulz | |
1988 | Open-Economy Macroeconomics | Frankel |
International Finance | Dumas |