The information on this page must not be stored nor used for mailings by anyone other than the Study Center Gerzensee and the alumni. "Mi," "Ma," and "Ec" indicate that the alumnus/a completed the microeconomics, macroeconomics, or econometrics sequence, respectively. "All" indicates that the alumnus/a completed the full program. A "*" indicates that the alumnus/a completed the sequences in more than one year.
Year of Graduation 2024
Name | Sequence/s | |
Boboshin Fedor | All | University of Lausanne |
Bürgin Sophie | All | University of Basel |
Carceller del Arco Mario | All | University of Lausanne |
Chou Tsung Han | All* | EPFL |
Debs Maïa | Ma | The Graduate Institute, Geneva |
Di Stefano Alessandro | All | University of Bern |
Dubach Sally | All | University of Bern |
Fernández-Baldor Laporta Pablo | All | University of Geneva |
Foresti Simone | All | Università della Svizzera Italiana |
Garcia Morgane | All | University of Geneva |
Glaus Marina | All | University of Bern |
Gündüz Dilara | All | University of Lausanne |
Havranova Aneta | All | University of Geneva |
Hilton Geoffrey | All | University of Lausanne |
Hug Tim | All | University of St. Gallen |
Jhunjhunwala Kirti | All | University of Bern |
Kongstad Niclas | All | University of Lausanne |
Krähenbühl Melanie | All | University of Lausanne |
Madah Mojgan | All | University of Lausanne |
Mita Lorena | All | University of Geneva |
Mosar Elena Beatrice | All | University of Lausanne |
Rodríguez Morales Alejandra | All | University of Lucerne |
Shao Haorong | All | University of Lausanne |
Skawronski Aghilas | All | University of Lausanne |
Steccanella Alessandro | All | Università della Svizzera Italiana |
Stefanopulos Jannis | All | University of Neuchâtel |
Stich Florian | All | University of Basel |
Yao Yi | All | Università della Svizzera Italiana |
Year of Graduation 2023
Name | Sequence/s | |
Bach Calsamiglia Helena | All | University of Geneva |
Bieri Marie-Catherine | All* | Swiss National Bank |
Borner David | Ec, Ma | University of Basel |
Bossard Martina | Ma, Mi | University of Basel |
Bretschneider Martin | All | Università della Svizzera italiana |
Bruhin Jonas | All | University of St. Gallen |
Casalena Francesco | Ec, Ma | The Graduate Institute, Geneva |
Chen Mengjia | All | University of Geneva |
Chen Yang | All | University of Lausanne |
Diamantis Irene-Danae | All | University of St. Gallen |
Dilsiz Düzgün | All | University of Basel |
Donato Giovanni | Ec | The Graduate Institute, Geneva |
Droz Bénédicte | All | University of Fribourg |
Fabbri Alessandro | All | University of Geneva |
Ficarra Matteo | Ma | The Graduate Institute, Geneva |
Francescutto Nicola | All | University of Neuchâtel |
Guo Jiancheng | All | University of Geneva |
Ignoto Benjamin | All | University of Neuchâtel |
Kammerlander Eric | All | University of Basel |
Kang Xi | Ec, Mi | The Graduate Institute, Geneva |
Liu Tanzhou | All | University of Lausanne |
Lombardo Maria Pia | All | University of Lausanne |
Luu Trang Huong | All | University of Geneva |
Marchese Alda | All | Università della Svizzera italiana |
Marcoux Julian | All | University of Lausanne |
Morozov Oleksandr | All | Università della Svizzera italiana |
Mündlein Tabea | All* | University of St. Gallen |
Rodriguez Tom | All | University of Fribourg |
Rüedi Fiona | All | University of Bern |
Surbek Oliver | All | University of Lausanne |
Wang Mengye | Ec, Ma | The Graduate Institute, Geneva |
Wegmüller Michäel | All | University of Geneva |
Weik Moritz | All | University of Bern |
Wildhaber Severin | All | University of Bern |
Xu Jinfeng | All | University of Lausanne |
Zhu Jiaqing | All | ETH, Zurich |
Year of Graduation 2022
Name | Sequence/s | |
Aboutorabi Atin | All | EPFL, Lausanne |
Arnold Patrick | All | University of Basel |
Baumann David | All | University of Bern |
Bartels Maren | All | University of Lucerne |
Bohren Noah | All | University of Lausanne |
Chen Yuxi | All | University of Lausanne |
Das Utsoree | All | University of Geneva |
Gai Costanza | All | University of St. Gallen |
Gentner Jessica | All | Swiss National Bank |
Guo Jiancheng | All | University of Geneva |
Hartmann Björn Henning | All | University of St. Gallen |
Khinashvili Nika | Ma | The Graduate Institute, Geneva |
Koechlin Marius | All | University of Lausanne |
Leutenegger Wjera Yell | All | University of Bern |
Marchioro Flora | All | Università della Svizzera italiana |
Piller Alexandra | All | University of Bern |
Rais Guillaume | All | University of Lausanne |
Sarkis Roy | All | EPFL, Lausanne |
Schranz Marc | All | University of Bern |
Schroeter Sofia | All | University of Lausanne |
Schwegler Guillaume | All | University of Lausanne |
Sebhatu Dawit Phidel | All | University of Geneva |
Stern Maxime | All | University of Basel |
Tugnoli Andrea | All | University of Geneva |
Yeung Tai Lo | All | Università della Svizzera italiana |
Year of Graduation 2021
Name | Sequence/s | |
Albertini Mattia | All | Università della Svizzera italiana |
Arro Milen | All | University of Bern |
Auclair Allan Gregory | Ec, Ma | The Graduate Institute, Geneva |
Bakhtiarizadeh Hamidreza | Mi | The Graduate Institute, Geneva |
Bender Franziska | All | University of St. Gallen |
Burri Marc | All | University of Neuchâtel |
Campa Pietro | All | University of Geneva |
Cannarsa Niccolo | All | University of Neuchâtel |
Chikhani Pauline | All | University of Lausanne |
Flak Albert | All | University of St. Gallen |
Ghisletta Andrea | All | University of Basel |
Gilgen Leyla | All | University of Bern |
Guo Xiaomin | Ec, Ma | The Graduate Institute, Geneva |
Hjalmarsson Linn | Ec, Mi | University of Bern |
Huang Ruobing | All | ETH, Zurich |
Kluser Frédéric | All | University of Bern |
Koch Benjamin | Ec, Mi | University of Luzern |
Konradt Maximilian | Ma | The Graduate Institute, Geneva |
Kurovskiy Gleb | All | EPFL |
Misev Marina | Ma | University of Basel |
Pons Martina | All | University of Bern |
Renault Théodore | Mi | The Graduate Institute, Geneva |
Saha Pritam | All | University of Geneva |
Shen Chao | Ma | The Graduate Institute, Geneva |
Schmutz Yannick | All | University of Fribourg |
Schönenberger Felix | All* | Università della Svizzera italiana |
Sen Rohan | All | Università della Svizzera italiana |
Silvy Fulvio | All | University of Geneva |
Soler Laia | All | University of Lausanne |
Stefanova Stefani | All | ETH, Zurich |
Taudien Remo | All | University of Bern |
Tschopp Adrien | All | University of Lausanne |
Venus Nicole | All | Università della Svizzera italiana |
Schwaller Larissa | All | University of Bern |
Year of Graduation 2020
Name | Sequence/s | |
Abi Younes George | All | EPFL |
Alvarez-Blaser Santiago Ernesto | All | University of Basel |
Baselgia Enea | Ma | University of St. Gallen |
Bergonzoli Katja Margit | All | University of Lausanne |
Berthold Brendan | All | University of Lausanne |
Bevilacqua Teodoro | All | University of Neuchâtel |
Brunner Philipp | All | University of Bern |
Cariola Gianmarco | Ec, Mi | The Graduate Institute, Geneva |
Cayul Pedro | Ec, Mi | The Graduate Institute, Geneva |
Delacrétaz Nathan | All | University of Neuchâtel |
Dendorfer Florian | All | University of St. Gallen |
Di Giacomo Giuseppe | All | Università della Svizzera italiana |
Fausto Felipe | All | University of Geneva |
Galián Carlos | Ec | The Graduate Institute, Geneva |
Garbely Anja | All | University of Luzern |
Graziano Marco | All | University of Lausanne |
Guidotti Emanuele | Ec | University of Neuchâtel |
Klaeui Jeremias | All | University of Lausanne |
Kniahin Dzimitry | All | University of Geneva |
Lemos Rêgo Carolina | Ec, Mi | The Graduate Institute, Geneva |
Maji Souparna | All | University of Geneva |
Marcucci Andrea | All | University of Lausanne |
Mokhtari Mohammadali | All | Università della Svizzera italiana |
Müller Philipp Thomas | All | University of Zurich |
Nassar Anis | All* | University of Fribourg |
Nyffenegger Remo | All | University of Basel |
Ott Laurent | All* | University of Neuchâtel |
Renault Théodore | Ec | The Graduate Institute, Geneva |
Park Sang Hyun | Ec | The Graduate Institute, Geneva |
Schäfers Sebastian | Mi, Ma | University of Basel |
Sontheim Valentina | All | University of Lucerne |
Zihlmann Christian | All | University of Fribourg |
Year of Graduation 2019
Name | Sequence/s | |
Bârzã-Nicoarã Radu-Nicolae | All | The Graduate Institute, Geneva |
Baumgartner Stephanie | Mi | University of Fribourg |
Basihos Seda | All* | University of Lausanne |
Bolliger Elio | All | University of Lausanne |
Braccioli Federica | All* | University of Geneva |
Brandimarti Eleonora | All* | University of Geneva |
Bui Ha My | All | University of Lausanne |
Cattin Juliette | All | University of Neuchâtel |
Chen Pinyi | Mi, Ec | The Graduate Institute, Geneva |
Cifarelli Flavia | All | University of Geneva |
Desilvestro Valentino | All* | University of Bern |
Driussi Lorenz | All | University of Bern |
Feng Di | All | University of Lausanne |
Gatti Niccolò | All | Università della Svizzera italiana |
Han Kyungbo | All | University of Geneva |
Jiang Chen | All | University of Geneva |
Kaderli Tabea | Ec, Mi | University of Lucerne |
Kyriacou Lucas | All | University of Bern |
Lerch Benjamin Michel | All | Università della Svizzera italiana |
Mauri Nicola | All | University of Lausanne |
Müller Hyacinthe Georges | All | University of St. Gallen |
Nowzohour Laura Minu | All* | The Graduate Institute, Geneva |
Nöbauer Bernhard | All | University of Lausanne |
Oeri Fintan | Mi | University of Basel |
Phillot Maxime | All | University of Lausanne |
Radke Pia | All | University of Geneva |
Reins Evert | All | University of Neuchâtel |
Retali Beatrice | All | Università della Svizzera italiana |
Sabbadini Giulia | Ec, Mi | The Graduate Institute, Geneva |
Schneider Fabienne | All | University of Bern |
Spycher Sarah | All | University of Bern |
Ulmann Florian Michael Till | Ec, Ma | SNB |
Van den Heuvel Matthias | All | EPFL |
Zuchuat Jeremy | All | University of Lausanne |
Year of Graduation 2018
Name | Sequence/s | Affiliation |
Antunes Alice | All | University of Lausanne |
Berlanda Andrea | All | University of Lausanne |
B. Kis Anna | Mi, Ec | The Graduate Institute, Geneva |
Brunner Marc | Ma, Ec | University of Bern |
Ceschi Nadia Jlenia | All | University of Bern |
Fiala Tomas | Ma | Università della Svizzera italiana |
Han Seoni | Mi, Ec | The Graduate Institute, Geneva |
Jacober Noëmi | All | University of Lausanne |
Kalsbach Oliver | All | ETH |
Lehmann Tobias Patrick | All | University of Lausanne |
Lenhard Severin J. | All | University of Bern |
Li Sheng | Ec | University of Zurich |
Meichtry Pascal | All | University of Lausanne |
Meier Jonas | All | University of Bern |
Näf Armando | All | University of Bern |
Pallara Kevin | All | University of Lausanne |
Pankratov Andrey | Ma | Università della Svizzera italiana |
Stettler Christian | Ec | ETH |
Tièche Simon | All | University of Lausanne |
Torun David | All | University of St. Gallen |
Weiss Janosch | All | University of St. Gallen |
Zabrodina Véra | Mi, Ec | University of Basel |
Zhou Ling | All | EPFL |
Year of Graduation 2017
Name | Sequence/s | Affiliation |
Asprilla Reyes Alan Guillermo | Mi, Ma | University of Lausanne |
Ayoubi Charles | All | EPFL |
Bächli Mirjam | All | University of St. Gallen |
Braun Rahel | All | University of Basel |
Ballester Gonzalez Omar | All | EPFL |
Buchmann Manuel | All | University of Basel |
Campli Paolo | All | Università della Svizzera italiana |
Canetg Fabio | All | University of Bern |
Casellini Laura | All | Università della Svizzera italiana |
Chen Kailin | All | The Graduate Institute, Geneva |
Colella Fabrizio | All | University of Lausanne |
Colzani Paola | All | University of Lausanne |
Darudi Ali | All | University of Basel |
Ding Sophia | All | ETH |
Eckert Florian | Ec | ETH |
Faber Marius | All | University of Basel |
Freitag Andreas | All | University of Basel |
Gallea Quentin | All* | University of Lausanne |
Gallusser David | Ec | University of Basel |
Guimarães Naso Pedro | Mi, Ec | The Graduate Institute, Geneva |
Heim Lukas | Ec | Swiss National Bank |
Hengge Martina | Ma, Ec | The Graduate Institute, Geneva |
Kalambaden Preetha | All | University of Bern |
Karunanethey Kalaivani | All* | University of Lausanne |
Kieny Clémence | All* | University of Lausanne |
Krebs Benjamin | Mi, Ec | University of Lucerne |
Lax Martinez Gema | All | University of Lausanne |
Leuba Josephine | All | University of Neuchâtel |
Matthewes Elisa | All | University of Fribourg |
Monnet Nathalie | Ma | The Graduate Institute, Geneva |
Naguib Costanza | All | Università della Svizzera italiana |
Nguyen Bich Diep | All* | University of Basel |
Oleschak Robert | All | Swiss National Bank |
Pattakou Aimilia | Mi, Ma | ETH |
Pleninger Regina | All | ETH |
Raabe Frank-Alexander | Ma, Ec | The Graduate Institute, Geneva |
Rigo Davide | Mi, Me | The Graduate Institute, Geneva |
Ruprecht Romina | All | University of Basel |
Sarma Nayantara | Mi, Ec | The Graduate Institute, Geneva |
Savio Giulia | All* | Università della Svizzera italiana |
Schäublin Jorma Juhani | All | University of Basel |
Schoeman Beaumont | All* | University of Basel |
Solleder Jean-Marc | All* | University of Geneva |
Steiner Elias | All | University of Lucerne |
Thurm Boris | Mi, Ma | EPFL |
Tilenbaeva Nurgul | Ma, Ec | The Graduate Institute, Geneva |
Ting Helena Xin | All | The Graduate Institute, Geneva |
Usui Takafumi | Mi, Ma | EPFL |
Velásquez J. Agustín | All* | The Graduate Institute, Geneva |
Verbeek Roelof Piet | Mi, Ec | Università della Svizzera italiana |
Wirth Lea | Mi, Ma | Study Center Gerzensee |
Wu Yu | All | EPFL |
Zurlinden Noemi | All | University of St. Gallen |
Züllig Gabriel | Ma | Swiss National Bank |
Year of Graduation 2016
Name | Sequence/s | Affiliation |
Aït Lahcen Mohammed | All | University of Basel |
Altermatt Lukas | All | Universtiy of Basel |
Arnoult Marpessa | Ec | University of Lausanne |
Bischof Tamara | All | University of Bern |
Blouri Yashar | All | University of Bern |
Büchler Simon | All | University of St. Gallen |
Bürge David | All | University of Fribourg |
Chuard Caroline | Ec | University of Zurich |
Dai Xinchen | All | The Graduate Institute |
Eberle Ulrich | All | University of Lausanne |
Feger Fabian | All | University of Bern |
Funk Anne Kathrin | Mi, Ec | The Graduate Institute |
Gygli Savina | All | ETH |
Helfer Fabienne | All | University of Fribourg |
Heo Ye Jin | Ma, Ec | The Graduate Insitute |
Hilber Simon | All | ETH |
Jäggi Adrian | Ma | University of St.Gallen |
Jin Fei | All | The Graduate Institute |
Lee Woori | All | The Graduate Institute |
Lustenberger Thomas | All* | SNB |
Manaï Maha | All | University of Lausanne |
Marxen Annabelle | All | University of Lausanne |
Molleyres Josephine | Ma | University of Basel |
Ramelet Marc-Antoine | All | University of St.Gallen |
Rishabh Kumar | All | University of Basel |
Roth Anja | All | University of Basel |
Srinivasan Suchita | All | The Graduate Institute |
Thomet Jacqueline Lea | All | University of Bern |
Valle Lara Victoria | All | University of Lausanne |
Wipf Christian | All | University of Bern |
Zuberbühler Eva Marina | All | University of Bern |
Year of Graduation 2015
Name | Sequence/s | Affiliation |
Adrian Nana Christina | All | University of Bern |
Bauer Ann Barbara | All | University of Fribourg |
Beyeler Simon | All | University of Bern |
Brüderle Anna | Ec | University of St. Gallen |
Cottier Lionel | All | University of Lausanne |
Danton Jayson | Ma, Mi | University of Lausanne |
Dautovic Ernest | All | University of Lausanne |
Dubois Corinne | All | EPFL |
Ebner Till | Ec | SNB |
Ebrahimi Afsoon | All | ETH |
Erhardt Katharina Margarete Klara | All | ETH |
Gentili Elena | Mi, Ec | Università della Svizzera italiana |
Goossens Roman | All | The Graduate Institute, Geneva |
Gorpe Ziya Mehmet | Ma, Ec | The Graduate Institute, Geneva |
Grujovic Anja | All | University of Geneva |
Hänni Simon | All | University of Lausanne |
Himbert Alexander | All | University of Lausanne |
Jahromi Razeghian Maryam | All | EPFL |
Koukal Anna Maria | Ma | University of Fribourg |
Krähenmann Philemon | All | University of St. Gallen |
Liu Fang | All | University of Lausanne |
Madison Florian | Mi, Ma | University of Basel |
Mantegazzi Daniele | All | Università della Svizzera italiana |
Martínez Oscar | All | University of Lausanne |
Motz Alessandra | Mi, Ec | Università della Svizzera italiana |
Myohl Christian | All | University of Bern |
Nguyen Viet Anh | All | EPFL |
Perazzi Elena | All | University of Lausanne |
Protopapas Panagiotis | All | University of Lausanne |
Rymuza Katarzyna | Ma | Universitiy of Geneva |
Seiermann Julia | Mi | The Graduate Institute, Geneva |
Stucki Yannic | All | University of Bern |
Tissot-Daguette Benjamin | All | University of Neuchâtel |
Valacchi Giulia | Mi | The Graduate Institute, Geneva |
Voellmy Lukas | All | University of Bern |
Year of Graduation 2014
Name | Sequence/s | Affiliation |
Davenport Margaret | All | University of St.Gallen |
Annaheim Melanie | All | University of St.Gallen |
Bacot Raphael | All | University of Geneva |
Bello Piera | All | University of Lugano |
Bodmer André | All | University of Bern |
Bolboaca Maria | All | University of Bern |
Cavalli Sara | All | University of Lausanne |
Cordonier Rachel | All | University of Lausanne |
Fischer Sarah | All | University of Bern |
Galli Alain | Ma | SNB |
Geissmann Thomas | All | ETH Zurich |
Hentschel Friedhelm | Mi | University of Luzern |
Höhener Janine | All | University of St.Gallen |
Huang Zhiyong | All | Univesity of Lausanne |
Hug Jessica | All | University of Geneva |
Staubli David | All | University of Lausanne |
Jiang Lingqing | All | University of Lausanne |
Krähenbühl Géraud | Mi | University of Neuchâtel |
Kraus Beatrice | All* | Universit of Zurich |
Lopez Luciano | Ma | University of Neuchâtel |
Lambiris Mark | All | University of Lausanne |
Martinez Luciano | Ma | University of Bern |
Nguyen Daisy | Ec, Ma | University of Bern |
Nguyen Tuan | All | University of Geneva |
Ozsahin Selçuk | Ma | The Graduate Institute Geneva |
Rho Caterina | Ma | The Graduate Institute Geneva |
Rüegger David | All | University of Basel |
Rubinova Stela | Mi, Ec | The Graduate Institute Geneva |
Schlegel Jan Christoph | All | University of Lausanne |
Seth Leonard | All | The Graduate Institute Geneva |
Slerca Edoardo | All | University of Lugano |
Steinberg Daniel* | All | University of St.Gallen |
Vlachos Stephanos | All | University of Lausanne |
Wicht Pascal | Mi | University of Fribourg |
Winter Christoph | All | University of Basel |
Zi Yuan | All* | Graduate Institute Geneva |
Year of Graduation 2013
Name | Sequence/s | Affiliation |
Aregger Nicole | All | University of Bern |
Bachmann Andreas | All | University of Bern |
Baltisberger Oliver | All | University of Bern |
Brüderle Anna | Mi | University of Luzern |
Coffano Monica | Ec | EPFL |
Gogniat Sandra | All | University of Neuchatel |
Hadamovsky Marie | All* | ETH Zurich |
Herzog Dominic | All | University of Basel |
Kaplan Erdal | All | The Graduate Institute Geneva |
Klinke Gian-Paolo | All | University of Lausanne |
Lavanchy Maude | All | University of Lausanne |
Leutert Jessica | All | University of Lausanne |
Mäder Beatrice | All | University of St.Gallen |
Margarita Claudio | All | University of Bern |
Mukherjee Abhik | All | EPFL Lausanne |
Roller Marcus | All | University of Basel |
Salazar Pierre Antonio | All | University of Lausanne |
Weber Michael | All | University of Fribourg |
Wegmüller Philipp | All | University of Bern |
Eugster Johannes | Ec | The Graduate Institute Geneva |
Felber Giulia | Mi, Ec | University of Basel |
Galli Alain | Ec | University of Bern |
Gori Filippo | Ec | The Graduate Institute Geneva |
Gudibande Rohan | Ec | The Graduate Institute Geneva |
Mitra Annapurna | Ma | The Graduate Institute Geneva |
Neumüller Simon | Mi, Ma | The Graduate Institute Geneva |
Pasali Selahattin Selsah | Ma, Ec | The Graduate Institute Geneva |
Ravetti Chiara | Mi | The Graduate Institute Geneva |
Turkova Adéla | Ma, Me | University of Fribourg |
Zi Yuan | Ma, Mi | The Graduate Institute Geneva |
Year of Graduation 2012
Name | Sequence/s | Affiliation |
Baruffaldi Stefano Horst | All | EPFL Lausanne |
Bernhard Severin | All | University of Fribourg |
Bjedov Tjasa | All | Universtiy of Fribourg |
Boffa Mauro | All | University of Geneva |
Buffat Justin | All | University of Lausanne |
Chavaz Matthieu | Ec | The Graduate Institute Geneva |
Erhardt Tobias | Mi, Ec | University of Basel |
Eugster Johannes | Ma | The Graduate Institute Geneva |
Frei Christian | Ma | ETH Zurich |
Friedrich Christian | Ec | The Graduate Institute Geneva |
Fuerer Stephanie | All | University of Fribourg |
Galletta Sergio | Mi, Ec | University of Lugano |
Gori Filippo | Ma | The Graduate Institute Geneva |
Harms Annette | All | University of Lausanne |
Jaronicki Katharina | All | University of St.Gallen |
Kaiser Boris | All | University of Bern |
Kang Jian | Ec | University of Neuchâtel |
Körner Theres | All | University of St.Gallen |
Kuhlmey Florian | Mi, Ma | University of Basel |
Marino Marianna | Ec | EPFL |
McLaren Alain | All* | University of Geneva |
Muller Philippe | All | ETH Zürich |
Nukic Senada | All | University of Bern |
PachEc Diana | All | University of Neuchâtel |
Preotu Veronica | All | University of Lausanne |
Probst Marcel | All | University of Lausanne |
Redonda Agustin | All | University of Lugano |
Rommeswinkel Hendrik | All | University St. Gallen |
Röösli Patrick | Mi | University of Bern |
Rutzer Christian | Mi, Ma | University of Basel |
Sauter Caspar | All | University of Neuchâtel |
Schmid Christian | All | University of Bern |
Schmidt Julia | Ma | The Graduate Institute Geneva |
Schwank Lukas | All* | University of St.Gallen |
Schwarzer Johannes | All | Universtiy St.Gallen |
Senn Julien | All | University of Lausanne |
Sigenthaler Simon | All | University of Bern |
Sigrist Oliver | All | University of Basel |
Tschabold Lukas | Mi, Ec | University of Basel |
Weber Andreas | Mi, Ma | University of St.Gallen |
Year of Graduation 2011
Name | Sequence/s | Affiliation |
Andenmatten Sergio | Ec, Ma* | University of Berne |
Bochsler Sharon | Ma | University of St.Gallen |
Boualam Brahim | All | University of Geneva |
Cacault Paula | All | University of Lausanne |
Chevalley Eric | Ma | University of Lausanne |
Crivelli Pramila | All | University of Geneva |
Degen Kathrin | All | University of Lausanne |
Dell'Era Michele | All | University of Lausanne |
Flueckiger Matthias | Mi | University of Basel |
Friedrich Christian | Mi, Ma | The Graduate Institute Geneva |
Fritz Johannes | All | University of St.Gallen |
Gerber Mathieu | All | University of Lausanne |
Habemacher Florian | All | University of St.Gallen |
Haefner Samuel | All | University of Basel |
Halter Luzia | All | University of Bern |
Insam Martina | All | University of Lausanne |
Iseli Gregoire | All | University of Geneva |
Joye Arnaud | All | University of Lausanne |
Landis Florian | All | ETH Zurich |
Lopez Pierlauro | All* | University of Lugano |
Mehmetaj Ermira | All | University of St.Gallen |
Mueller Juerg | All | ETH Zurich |
Mueller Samuel | Mi, Ec | University of Basel |
Nuguer Victoria | All | EPFL |
PachEc Diana | Mi, Ma | University of Neuchatel |
Rotunno Lorenzo | Mi, Ec | The Graduate Institute Geneva |
Schetter Ulrich | All | University of St.Gallen |
Schlaepfer Joerg | All | ETH Zurich |
Schmidt Julia | Ec | The Graduate Institute Geneva |
Schnell Fabian | All | University of St.Gallen |
Schueler Yves Stephan | Ma, Ec | Universtiy of Constance |
Schwank Lukas | Ma | University of St.Gallen |
Sigrist Oliver | Ma, Ec | University of Basel |
Sticher Silvio | All | University of Bern |
Walter Linda | Ec | University of Basel |
Year of Graduation 2010
Name | Sequence/s | Affiliation |
Amer Maistriau Estefania | All | University of Geneva |
Bernasconi Claudia | Ma, Ec | University of Zurich |
Bratt Michael | All | Universtiy of Geneva |
Brill Felix | Ma, Ec | University of Berne |
Brunner Beatrice | Mi, Ec | University of Zurich |
Caron Justin | Mi, Ec* | University of Zurich |
Duschl Tobias | All* | University of Zurich |
Emmenegger Daniel | All | University of Lausanne |
Eymann Annina | Ec | University of Bern |
Graf Thierry | All | University of Neuchâtel |
Grätz Silvia | Mi | University of Zurich |
Hertrich Markus | All | University of Basel |
Imhof Jan | All | ETH Zurich |
Kienzler Daniel | All | University of St.Gallen |
Klaassen Jan-Aaron | Mi, Ec | University of St.Gallen |
Kohler Andreas | Ma, Ec | University of Zurich |
McLoughlin Cameron | Ma, Ec | The Graduate Institute Geneva |
Müller Daniel | All* | University of Basel |
Panlang Lin | Mi | University of Zurich |
Pochon Vincent | All | University of Fribourg |
Portmann Marco | All | University of Fribourg |
Régolo Julie | All | University of Geneva |
Reinhardt Dennis | All* | Study Centre Gerzensee |
Seger Lukas | All | University of Fribourg |
Sola Sergio | All* | The Graduate Institute Geneva |
Spring Eva | All | University of Fribourg |
Stracke Rudi | Mi, Ma | University of St.Gallen |
Thiemann Petra | All | University of St.Gallen |
Trani Tommaso | Mi, Ma | The Graduate Institute of Geneva |
Vinogradova Alexandra | Ma, Ec | The Graduate Institute of Geneva |
Wälchli Andreas | All | Study Centre Gerzensee |
Wang Yikai | All | University of Zurich |
Year of Graduation 2009
Name | Sequence/s | Affiliation |
Baldi Guido | All | University of Bern |
Boppart Timo | Ma, Ec | University of Zurich |
Brügger Beatrix | All | Universtiy of Lausanne |
Burghardt Dirk | Ma, Mi | University of St.Gallen |
Chatagny Florian | Ec, Mi | University of Lausanne |
Feubli Patricia | All | University of Basel |
Fischer Marion | All | University of Bern |
Gainza Carmenates Ronal | Mi | EPFL |
Ganarin Maja | All | University of St.Gallen |
Hefti Andreas | Ec | University of Zurich |
Huber Stefanie | All | University of Lausanne |
Ingenhaag Michael | All | University of Lausanne |
Jäggi Simon | All* | University of Bern |
Kalbhenn Ann | All | ETH Zurich |
Kaufmann Daniel | Ma | Swiss National Bank |
Kim Sujin | All | The Graduate Institute Geneva |
Kull Miriam | Mi, Ec | University of Bern |
Leist Stefan | All | University of Bern |
Markov Nicolay | All | University of Geneva |
Mikosch Heiner Felix | All | ETH Zurich |
Mohler Lukas | All* | University of Basel |
Müller Andreas | All | University of Zurich |
Parchet Raphael | All | University of Lausanne |
Riguzzi Marco | Ma, Mi | University of Bern |
Schläpfer Alain | All* | University of Basel |
Schmid Gisèle | All | University of Geneva |
Schmid Lukas | All | University of Bern |
Schneider Frédéric-Guillaume | Ma, Ec | University of Zurich |
Signé Louis Alain | All | University of Lausanne |
Sulger Philippe | All | University of Zurich |
Sutter Barbara | All | University of St.Gallen |
Weber Sebastian | All* | The Graduate Institute Geneva |
Wenk Christoph | All | University of Zurich |
Zavacká Veronika | All | The Graduate Institute Geneva |
Year of Graduation 2008
Name | Sequence/s | Affiliation |
Arni Patrick | All | Universtiy of Lausanne |
Beutler Toni | All | University of Lausanne |
Brandes Leif | Mi, Ec | University of Zurich |
Csordás Stefan | All | University of Basel |
Darai Donja | All | University of Zurich |
Ehlers Torsten | All | University of Zurich |
Grobéty Mathieu | All | University of Lausanne |
Gubler Matthias | All | University of Basel |
Hefti Andreas | Mi | University of Zurich |
Hepenstrick Christian | All | University of Zurich |
Herz Holger | All | University of Zurich |
Kaufmann Daniel | Ec | Swiss National Bank |
Kim Sujin | Ma, Mi | IUHEI Geneva |
Lang Markus | Ec | University of Zurich |
Li Qing | All | University of Lausanne |
Lobsiger Michael | All | University of Berne |
Meier Simone | All | IUHEI Geneva |
Neustadt Ilya | All* | University of Zurich |
Ortiz Yves | All | University of Zurich |
Ruoff Gabriele | All | ETH Zurich |
Ryff Patrick | All | University of Basel |
Schwark Florentine | Ma | ETH Zurich |
Sisak Dana | Mi | University of St.Gallen |
Stadelmann Pierre | All | University of Lausanne |
Svirydzenka Katsiaryna | All | IUHEI Geneva |
Towbin Pascal | Ma, Ec | IUHEI Geneva |
Tschopp Jeanne | All | University of Lausanne |
Wallimann Niklaus | All | University of St.Gallen |
Wüllrich Jean-Philippe | Ma, Ec | University of Zurich |
Zahner Marc | All | University of Berne |
Year of Graduation 2007
Name | Sequence/s | Affiliation |
Adamek Juerg | All* | Universtiy of Berne |
Blatter Marc | All | University of Berne |
Bombarda Pamela | Mi | IUHEI Geneva |
Bütikofer Aline | Ec | University of Berne |
Butz Andreas | Mi | University of Zurich |
Conti Annamaria | All | EPFL Lausanne |
Felisberto Cátia | All* | EPFL Lausanne |
Fidalgo Antonio | All | University of Lausanne |
Gaulé Patrick | All | EPFL Lausanne |
Grütter Andreas | Mi | University of Zurich |
Hall Pamela | All* | Swiss National Bank |
Hamdan Intan | All* | EPFL Lausanne |
Hanslin Sandra | Ma, Mi | University of Zurich |
Kemeny Felicitas Stephanie | All | University of Basel |
Kukenova Madina | All | University of Lausanne |
Lewrick Ulf | All* | University of Basel |
Lufkin Thomas | All* | University of Lausanne |
Lutzenberger Martin | All | University of Zurich |
Maag Thomas | All | University of St.Gallen |
Maystre Nicolas | All | University of Geneva |
Meidell Jan Erik | All | University of Lausanne |
Monteiro José-Antonio | All | University of Neuchâtel |
Mühlemann Samuel | All | University of Berne |
Payot Frédéric | All | University of Lausanne |
Pelli Martino | All | University of Lausanne |
Piacentini Mario | Mi, Ec | University of Geneva |
Prieto Patrón Alberto | All | University of Lausanne |
Rochut Julie | Mi | University of Lausanne |
Röhrs Sigrid | All | University of St.Gallen |
Roux Catherine | All | University of Lausanne |
Rupprecht Sarah | Ma, Ec | ETH Zurich |
Schenker Samuel | All | University of Berne |
Strieborný Martin | All | University of Lausanne |
Stulz Jonas | Ma | Swiss National Bank |
Wasmer Malgorzata | All* | University of Freiburg |
Werner Stephan Klaus | All | University of St.Gallen |
Wickart Marcel | All* | ETH Zurich |
Zehnder Tanja | Ec | University of Zurich |
Year of Graduation 2006
Name | Sequence/s | Affiliation |
Bacher Hans Ulrich | All | Universtiy of Lausanne |
Bäurle Gregor | All | University of Berne |
Bedniaguina Natalia | All* | University of Lausanne |
Behncke Stefanie | All | University of St.Gallen |
Beverelli Cosimo | All | IUHEI Geneva |
Burren Daniel | All | Study Center Gerzensee |
Deb Kaushik | Ma, Mi | ETH Zurich |
Di Nino Virginia | All* | IUHEI Geneva |
Dorn David | All | University of St.Gallen |
Goppelsröder Marie | All | IUHEI Geneva |
Grossmann Martin | All* | University of Zurich |
Holzhey Matthias | All | University of Zurich |
Ilic Dragan | All* | University of Basel |
Kueng Lorenz | All | University of Fribourg |
Longchamp Yves | All* | Swiss National Bank |
Mahlstein Kornel | All | IUHEI Geneva |
Menz Tobias | All | Study Center Gerzensee |
Naef Michael | Ec | University of Zurich |
Puddu Stefano | All | University of Lausanne |
Roser Dominic | Mi, Ec | University of Berne |
Ruf Oliver | Ec | University of Zurich |
Schlegel Martin | Mi, Ec | Swiss National Bank |
Shakurova Juliya | Ma, Ec | University of Lausanne |
Staubli Stefan | All | University of St.Gallen |
Steffen Géraldine | Ec | Swiss National Bank |
Strub Carlo | All | University of Basel |
Wirz Nadja | All | University of St.Gallen |
Zbudniewek Olga | All | University of Geneva |
Zehnder Tanja | Ma | University of Zurich |
Year of Graduation 2005
Name | Sequence/s | Affiliation |
Ackermann Philipp | All | Universtiy of Bern |
Asici Ahmet Atil | All* | IUHEI Geneva |
Balmer Sandra | Ec | Swiss National Bank |
Bignasca Franziska | Ec | |
Bolliger Michael | All | Swiss National Bank |
Cecchin Iva | All | University of Basel |
Eugster Patrick | All | University of Zurich |
Finzi Ilaria | Mi | University of Southern Switzerland |
Fischer Michael | All | University of St.Gallen |
Flotho Stefanie | All* | Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg |
Gonseth Camille | Mi, Ec | EPFL Lausanne |
Gonzalez Oscar | Ec | University of Southern Switzerland |
Guggenheim Basil | All | University of Basel |
Heller Andreas | All* | University of Berne |
Kraenzlin Sébastien | All | University of Basel |
Liao Shunrong | All | University of St.Gallen |
Lucenti Krista | Mi | University of Bern |
Mathys Nicole | All | University of Lausanne |
Matter Pius | All | University of Bern |
Pauwels Laurent | Ma | IUHEI Geneva |
Perruchoud Alexander | All | University of Basel |
Poen Eva | All | University of St.Gallen |
Portugal-Pérez Alberto | Mi, Ec | University of Geneva |
Schmid Frank | All | University of Bern |
Schmid Juan Pedro | All* | ETH Zurich |
Schmid Lukas | Ma | University of Zurich |
Suk Jerry-Jeff | All | University of Bern |
Tanner Reto | All | University of Bern |
Uehlein Thorsten | All | University of St.Gallen |
von Lindeiner Benita | All | University of St.Gallen |
von Scarpatetti Benedictus | All | University of Basel |
Wasser Cédric | All | Universtiy of Basel |
Wiehler Stephan | All | University of St.Gallen |
Wunsch Johannes | All | University of Fribourg |
Zainhofer Florian | Ma, Ec | University of Fribourg |
Year of Graduation 2004
Name | Sequence/s | Affiliation |
Babalyan Levon | Ec | University of Fribourg |
Bachmann Oliver | Ec | University of Zurich |
Becker Karolin | Mi | University of Zurich |
Borchert Ingo | All | University of St.Gallen |
Brida Giorgio | All | University of Lausanne |
Damianova Kremena | Ma, Mi | University of Zurich |
Deuchert Eva | Ma, Ec | Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg |
Elkhoury Marwan | All* | IUHEI Geneva |
Everts Martin P. | All | University of Berne |
Finzi Ilaria | Ec | University of Southern Switzerland |
Fleischhauer Kai | All | University of St.Gallen |
Frei Lukas | All | University of Basel |
Furlanetto Francesco | All* | University of Lausanne |
Gonzalez Oscar | Mi | University of Southern Switzerland |
Halbheer Daniel | Mi | University of Zurich |
Hasan Tariq | All | University of St.Gallen |
Hirschi Doris | Ma, Ec | Study Center Gerzensee |
Jaccard Ivan | All* | University of Lausanne |
Kis-Katons Krisztina | All* | Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg |
Lienhard Marion | Ec | University of Zurich |
Lucenti Krista | Ma | University of Berne |
Mancini-Griffoli Tommaso | All* | IUHEI Geneva |
Mertens Elmar | All* | University of Basel |
Miguet Florence | All* | University of Geneva |
Nyffeler Reto | All | University of Berne |
Oechslin Manuel | Ma, Ec | University of Zurich |
Pauwels Laurent | Ec | IUHEI Geneva |
Popa Olivia-N. | All* | University of Lausanne |
Rajbhandari Sunil | Ma, Ec | University of Southern Switzerland |
Rosenbaltt-Wisch Rina | Ma, Mi | University of Zurich |
Rütschi Christian | All | University of Berne |
Sattler Thomas | All | ETH Zurich |
Sax Christoph | All | University of Basel |
Schmdt Hanspeter | Ma, Ec | ETH Zurich |
Stoff Christian | Mi | University of Zurich |
Sutter Oliver | All* | University of Berne |
Taillard Jérome | All* | University of Neuchâtel |
Vlcek Martin | Ma, Mi | University of Zurich |
Winistörfer Patrick | All | Study Center Gerzensee |
Wunsch Conny | All | University of St.Gallen |
Year of Graduation 2003
Name | Sequence/s | Affiliation |
Allenspach Nicole | All | University of St.Gallen |
Bauer Wolfgang | Ec | University of Zurich |
Bee Alessandro | All* | Unversity of Basel |
Bubb Andreas | Ec | University of Basel |
Cavaliere Marco | All* | Study Center Gerzensee |
Chambet Anthony | All* | University of Lausanne |
Chevrou-Séverac Hélène | Ec | University of Neuchâtel |
Croci Ettore | Ma, Mi | University of Southern Switzerland |
Dietz Martin D. | All | University of St.Gallen |
Gärtner Dennis | All | University of Zurich |
Georgiev Aleksandar | All* | University of Lausanne |
Gosselin Pierre | Ma | IUHEI Geneva |
Grandchamp-Nicolet Chantal | Mi | University of Lausanne |
Gratwohl Michael | All | University of Basel |
Grütter Max | Ec | University of Zurich |
Hartmann Armin | All | University of Berne |
Heer Daniel | Ec | University of St.Gallen |
Jaag Christian | All | University of St.Gallen |
Jochmann Markus | All* | University of Konstanz |
Karagök Yavuz | Mi | University of Southern Switzerland |
Meinshausen Malte | All | ETH Zurich |
Melly Blaise | All | University of St.Gallen |
Meyer Christoph | All* | University of Berne |
Monnin Pierre | Ma, Mi | Swiss National Bank |
Moog Stefan | All | Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg |
Perez Eloy | All* | University of Lausanne |
Quitzau Nina | Ma, Ec | University of Basel |
Schiess David | All | University of Basel |
Schmid Markus | Ec | University of Basel |
Siegrist Philip | Ec | Swiss National Bank |
Souleymane Coulibaly | All | University of Lausanne |
Strub Claudia | Ec | University of Basel |
Trost Michael | All* | Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg |
Wälti Sébastian | Ma, Mi | IUHEI Geneva |
Zehnder Christian | Ec | University of Zurich |
Year of Graduation 2002
Name | Sequence/s | Affiliation |
Angeles Luis | All | University of Geneva |
Baur Patrick | All | University of St.Gallen |
Benz Men-Andri | Mi, Ec | ETH Zurich |
Cerratti Roberto | All | University of Fribourg |
Djurdjevic Dragana | All | University of St.Gallen |
Eckert Raphaëlle | Ma, Ec | University of Lausanne |
Facchinetti Matteo | All | Swiss National Bank |
Frech Tim | All | Study Center Gerzensee |
Graber Andrea | Mi | University of Fribourg |
Hodler Roland | All | University of Berne |
Huber Marco | Mi | University of Zurich |
Jametti Mario | All | University of Lausanne |
Jung Philip | All | Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg |
Karusisi Diane | All | University of Fribourg |
Kilchenmann Christoph | Ec, Mi | University of Basel |
Koch Patrick | Ec | University of Basel |
Kozamernik Damjan | All* | University of Lausanne |
Kuenzle Michael | Mi, Ec | ETH Zurich |
Lakiotis Vangheli | All | Study Center Gerzensee |
Liebi Thomas | Ec | University of Berne |
Müller Robert | Ec | Swiss National Bank |
Nicolet Chantal | Ec | University of Lausanne |
Rey David | Ec | University of St.Gallen |
Schweri Jürg | Mi, Ec | University of Berne |
Spielmann Christian | Mi,Ec | Swiss National Bank |
Steiger Heidi | All | University of St.Gallen |
Suter Stephan | Ma, Ec | University of Basel |
Zanetti Attilio | Ma | Swiss National Bank |
Year of Graduation 2001
Name | Sequence/s | Affiliation |
Aydemir Zava | Mi, Ec | University of Zurich |
Binswanger Johannes | All | University of Zurich |
Borer Daniel | Ma | University of Basel |
Brevik Frode | All | University of St.Gallen |
Brügger Esther | All | Unversity of Berne |
Dauner Isabelle | Mi, Ec | University of Lausanne |
Egli Alain | All | University of Berne |
Foellmi Reto | All | University of Zurich |
Glauser Manrico | Ec | University of Fribourg |
Huguenin Jacques | Ma, Mi | University of Lausanne |
Kolodziejczyk Christophe | All* | University of Lausanne |
Leibundgut Reto | Mi | University of St.Gallen |
Lörtscher Simon | All | University of Berne |
Manz Michael | Ec | University of Berne |
Mormann Pia | Mi | University of Basel |
Mueller Jeannette | All | University of Fribourg |
Nellen Thomas | All* | University of Berne |
Schiffer Mirjam | Ma | University of Basel |
Schmidt Caroline | All | University of St.Gallen |
Schneider Yves | Mi, Ec | University of Berne |
Tumurchudur Bolormaa | Ec | IUHEI Geneva |
Waelti Manuel | All | University of Berne |
Zanetti Attilio | Ec | University of Fribourg |
Ziegler-Peter Suzanne | Ec | University of St.Gallen |
Zuniga-Brenes M. Paola | Mi | University of Lausanne |
Year of Graduation 2000
Name | Sequence/s | Affiliation |
Alessandrini Fabio | Ma | University of Lausanne |
Besendorfer Daniel | Ma | Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg |
Bessonova Evguenia | All | Russian European Centre for Economic Policy |
Bindelli Luca | Ma, Ec | University of Lausanne |
Borgmann Christoph | All | Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg |
Bruchez Pierre-Alain | All | University of Lausanne |
Ernst Carol | Mi, Ec | University of Bern |
Faber M. Sophie | Ec | University of Zurich |
Fitze Christian | Ec | University of Zurich |
Freedman Stephen | All | University of St.Gallen |
Gagliardini Patrick | All | University of Southern Switzerland |
Götte Lorenz | Ma | University of Zurich |
Gylser Matthias | Mi, Ec | ETH Zurich |
Huwiler Marco | Ma, Ec | University of Basel |
Kristen Petra | All | University of Basel |
Kütter Dominique | Ec | University of Basel |
Labah Ladislas | Ma | University of Lausanne |
Lalive d'Epinay Rafael | Ma | University of Zurich |
Leonardo Giovanni | All | University of Berne |
Mihailov Alexander | Ma, Ec | Universtiy of Lausanne |
Miquel Ruth | All | University of St.Gallen |
Mueller Ulrich K. | All | University of St.Gallen |
Panova Elena | All | Russian European Centre for Economic Policy |
Polk Andreas | Ma, Mi | University of Zurich |
Redondo Maria José | All | University of Fribourg |
Sturm Andy | Ma, Ec | University of Fribourg |
Telser Harald | Mi | University of Zurich |
Wirz Aniela Maria | Ec | ETH Zurich |
Year of Graduation 1999
Name | Sequence/s | Affiliation |
Alderighi Marco | Mi | University of Southern Switzerland |
Baenziger Armin | All | University of Zurich |
Brandt Nicola | All | Unversity of Hamburg |
Brunner Uli | Mi, Ec | University of Basel |
Dell' Aquila Rosario | All | University of Southern Switzerland |
Filitti Constantin | All | University of St.Gallen |
Giger Franziska | All | University of Basel |
Hosp Gerald | Ma | University of Fribourg |
Kolodziejczyk Christiophe | Mi, Ec | University of Lausanne |
Koller Prisca | All | University of St.Gallen |
Krause Andreas | Ec | University of Fribourg |
Lack Caesar | Ec | University of Basel |
Luescher Barbara | Ma | University of Basel |
Pérez José | All | University of Basel |
Raess Pascal | Mi | University of Lausanne |
Walk Reyne-Laure | Mi | University of Lausanne |
Wegmann Patrick | All | University of St.Gallen |
Zahnd Harald | Ma | University of Berne |
Year of Graduation 1998
Name | Sequence/s | Affiliation |
Breitenstein Urs | All | Albert-Ludwigs University of Freiburg |
Caramanolis Birgül | Ec | University of Lausanne |
Clerc Nicolas | Ec | University of Lausanne |
Conzelmann Annette | All | University of Basel |
Cretegny Laurent | Mi, Ec | University of Lausanne |
Funk Patricia | Mi | Universtiy of Basel |
Gilliard Philippe | Ec | University of Lausanne |
Hegi Stéphane | Ec | University of Lausanne |
Hertel Johanna | All | University of St.Gallen |
Kalt Daniel | Ma | University of Zurich |
Liechti Daniel | Ma | University of Berne |
Marti Michael | All | University of Basel |
Pichler Karl | Mi | University of Berne |
Ramser Matthias | All | Albert-Ludwigs University of Freiburg |
Ranaldo Angelo | Ma | University of Fribourg |
Ris Kurt | Mi | University of Zurich |
Romano Elliot | Mi | University of Lausanne |
Schmidt Torsten | Ma, Ec | University of Zurich |
Werner Martin | Ma, Mi | University of Berne |
Wild Jörg | Mi | University of Zurich |
Year of Graduation 1996
Name | Sequence/s | Affiliation |
Bichsel Robert | Ec | University of Lausanne |
Becht Dominique | All | University of Basel |
Bruand Martin | Ec | University of Lausanne |
Bühler Stephan | All | University of St.Gallen |
Cuche Nicolas | All | Study Center Gerzensee |
Delbiaggio Katia | All | University of Berne |
Eisenring Christoph | All | University of Berne |
Haller Sascha | Mi, Ec | University of Basel |
Harms Philipp | All | University of St.Gallen |
Hess Martin | All | Study Center Gerzensee |
Kobler Alexander | Ma | University of Zurich |
Kubat Ruedi | Mi, Ec | Universtiy of Basel |
Martinez Rosario | Ma | University of Lausanne |
Marty Fridolin | All | University of Berne |
Minsch Ruedi | All | University of St.Gallen |
Mumenthaler Stephan | All | University of Basel |
Pirotte Hugues | Ec | University of Lausanne |
Schellhorn Martin | All | University of Berne |
Schmolk Björn | All | University of Fribourg |
Staub Markus | All | University of Basel |
Stroeks Leon | Mi, Ec | University of Berne |
Tinguely Olivier | Ec | University of Lausanne |
Züricher Boris | All | University of Berne |
Zweifel Patrick | Ec | University of Lausanne |
Year of Graduation 1995
Name | Sequence/s | University Affiliation |
Blum Jürg | All | University of Basel |
Bütler Lang Monika | All | University of St.Gallen |
de Snaijer Mark | All | University of Berne |
Gianonni Marco | Ma | Swiss Natioanl Bank |
Häfliger Thomas | All | University of Basel |
Kabuya-Kazenga Simon | Ec | University of Neuchâtel |
Kauth Simon Th. | All | University of St.Gallen |
Kobler Markus | Ma | University of Basel |
Kupper Staum Vera | All | University of Zurich |
Landolt-Bachmann Dominique | Mi | Universtiy of Zurich |
Meier Iwan | All | Study Center Gerzensee |
Meister Markus | Mi, Ec | Study Center Gerzensee |
Mohy-El-Din Tarek | All | University of St.Gallen |
Niepelt Dirk | All | University of St.Gallen |
Pohlenz Frederike | All | University of St.Gallen |
Unternährer Markus | All | University of Zurich |